Over the past year, I have become increasingly obsessed with certain TV ad music. A current favourite of our household is the new ASDA ad featuring ‘Oh My Love’ by The Score – we can be heard humming that song all day once it has graced our screen.
So, I was delighted to read that our favourite tune had scored a No. 1 in the Shazam Chart! Yes, you read that right; there is a Shazam chart for TV ad music brought to us by Shazam and The Drum. The results of which are based on the number of times the ad has been Shazamed over the past week using the music identification app.
Ad music is now becoming so popular; the choice of music to partner with your next ad may be one of the most important decisions you will make.
If the audience loves the music and they go on to download it, they will be reminded of your brand every time they hear the song. Better still, they may search for your ad to remind them of the tune! And the artist can also provide a new audience for your campaign who would not have ordinarily associated themselves with your brand.
It can also act as a brand extension if the music is relevant to your product or service, and your brand could be instrumental in discovering a new local talent.
If we had an ad for 83agency, I think we would have to look to 1983 and choose our favourite song from that year…Flashdance… Billie Jean… Total Eclipse Of The Heart… it would be a tough choice! What would yours be?
Check out the chart for yourself: www.thedrum.com/shazamchart